pogrep - Man Page

Grep XLIFF, Gettext PO and TMX localization files.


pogrep [--version] [-h|--help] [--manpage] [--progress PROGRESS] [--errorlevel ERRORLEVEL] [-i|--input] INPUT [-x|--exclude EXCLUDE] [-o|--output] OUTPUT [--search SEARCHPARTS] [-I|--ignore-case] [-e|--regexp] [-v|--invert-match] [--accelerator ACCELERATOR] [-k|--keep-translations]


Matches are output to snippet files of the same type which can then be reviewed and later merged using :doc:`pomerge </commands/pomerge>`.

See: http://docs.translatehouse.org/projects/translate-toolkit/en/latest/commands/pogrep.html for examples and usage instructions.



show program's version number and exit


show this help message and exit


output a manpage based on the help


show progress as: dots, none, bar, names, verbose


show errorlevel as: none, message, exception, traceback


read from INPUT in gmo, mo, po, pot, tmx, xlf, xlff, xliff formats


exclude names matching EXCLUDE from input paths


write to OUTPUT in gmo, mo, po, pot, tmx, xlf, xlff, xliff formats


searches the given parts (source, target, notes and locations)


ignore case distinctions


use regular expression matching


select non-matching lines


ignores the given accelerator when matching


always extract units with translations


Translate Toolkit 3.13.3