podman-system-connection-list - Man Page

List the destination for the Podman service(s)


podman system connection list [options]

podman system connection ls [options]


List ssh destination(s) for podman service(s).


--format, -f=format

Change the default output format.  This can be of a supported type like 'json' or a Go template. Valid placeholders for the Go template listed below:

.DefaultIndicates whether connection is the default
.IdentityPath to file containing SSH identity
.NameConnection Name/Identifier
.ReadWriteIndicates if this connection can be modified using the system connection commands
.URIURI to podman service. Valid schemes are ssh://[user@]host[:port]Unix domain socket[?secure=True], unix://Unix domain socket, and tcp://localhost[:port]

--quiet, -q

Only show connection names


List system connections:

$ podman system connection list
Name URI                                                      Identity	    Default  ReadWrite
deva ssh://root@example.com:/run/podman/podman.sock           ~/.ssh/id_rsa true     true
devb ssh://user@example.com:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock ~/.ssh/id_rsa false    true

See Also

podman(1), podman-system(1), podman-system-connection(1)


July 2020, Originally compiled by Jhon Honce (jhonce at redhat dot com)

Referenced By


The man page docker-system-connection-list(1) is an alias of podman-system-connection-list(1).