pmempool-dump - Man Page

dump user data from persistent memory pool


$ pmempool dump [<options>] <file>



The obj pool type is not supported by the dump command.


The dump command is left only for backward compatibility.


The pmempool invoked with dump command dumps user data from specified pool file. The output format may be either binary or hexadecimal.

By default the output format is hexadecimal.

By default data is dumped to standard output. It is possible to dump data to other file by specifying -o option. In this case data will be appended to this file.

Using -r option you can specify number of data chunks using special text format. See Range section for details.

Available options

-b, --binary

Dump data in binary format.

-o, --output <file>

Name of output file.

-h, --help

Display help message and exit.


Using -r, –range option it is possible to dump only a range of user data. This section describes valid format of <range> string.

You can specify multiple ranges separated by commas.


All blocks/bytes/data chunks from <first> to <last> will be dumped.


All blocks/bytes/data chunks up to <last> will be dumped.


All blocks/bytes/data chunks starting from <first> will be dumped.


Only <number> block/byte/data chunk will be dumped.

See Also

pmempool(1), libpmemobj(7) and\c

Referenced By


2024-07-18 PMDK - PMDK Programmer's Manual