pmdesc - Man Page

print out version and whatis description of perl modules


Given one or more module names, show the version number (if known) and the 'whatis' line, that is, the NAME section's description, typically used for generation of whatis databases.


    $ pmdesc IO::Socket
    IO::Socket (1.25) - Object interface to socket communications

    $ oldperl pmdesc IO::Socket
    IO::Socket (1.1603) - Object interface to socket communications

    $ pmdesc `pminst -s | perl -lane 'print $F[1] if $F[0] =~ /site/'`
    XML::Parser::Expat (2.19) - Lowlevel access to James Clark's expat XML parser
    XML::Parser (2.19) - A perl module for parsing XML documents


This only works on modules.  It should also work on filenames, but then it's a bit tricky finding out the package to call the VERSION method on.

See Also

pmdesc(1) pminst(1) pmpath(1) pmvers(1)


Copyright (C) 1999 Tom Christiansen.

Copyright (C) 2006-2014, 2018 Mark Leighton Fisher.


This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: (a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or (b) the Perl "Artistic License". (This is the Perl 5 licensing scheme.)

Please note this is a change from the original pmtools-1.00 (still available on CPAN), as pmtools-1.00 were licensed only under the Perl "Artistic License".

Referenced By

pmall(1), pmpath(1), pmvers(1).

2024-07-19 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation