pkgtreediff - Man Page

manual page for pkgtreediff 0.6.0


pkgtreediff [--version] [-r|--recursive] [-d|--subdir SUBDIR]


Package tree comparison tool

[(-R|--ignore-release) | (-V|--ignore-version)] [(-N|--new) | (-D|--deleted) | (-U|--updated) |


[(-s|--show-summary) | (-S|--no-summary)] [-R|--rst] [-p|--pattern PKGPATTERN] [-t|--timeout SECONDS] URL|DIR|FILE|KOJITAG|CMD1 URL|DIR|FILE|KOJITAG|CMD2

pkgtreediff compares the packages in two OS trees or instances

Available options


Show this help text


Show version


Recursive down into subdirectories

-d,--subdir SUBDIR

Select specific subdir (eg x86_64 or source)


Only show version changes (ignore release)


Only show package changes (ignore version-release)


Show only added packages


Show only removed packages


Show only upgraded packages


Show only downgraded packages


Show summary of changes (default when >20 changes)


Do not display summary


Use ReSTructured Text format

-p,--pattern PKGPATTERN

Limit packages to glob matches

-t,--timeout SECONDS

Maximum seconds to wait for http response before timing out (default 30)


August 2024 pkgtreediff 0.6.0