pg_autoctl_show_settings - Man Page


pg_autoctl show settings ā€” pg_autoctl show settings

pg_autoctl show settings ā€” Print replication settings for a formation from the monitor


This command allows to review all the replication settings of a given formation (defaults to 'default' as usual):

usage: pg_autoctl show settings  [ --pgdata ] [ --json ] [ --formation ]

--pgdata      path to data directory
--monitor     pg_auto_failover Monitor Postgres URL
--json        output data in the JSON format
--formation   pg_auto_failover formation


See also pg_autoctl get formation settings which is a synonym.

The output contains setting and values that apply at different contexts, as shown here with a formation of four nodes, where node_4 is not participating in the replication quorum and also not a candidate for failover:

$ pg_autoctl show settings
   Context |    Name |                   Setting | Value
 formation | default |      number_sync_standbys | 1
   primary |  node_1 | synchronous_standby_names | 'ANY 1 (pgautofailover_standby_3, pgautofailover_standby_2)'
      node |  node_1 |        replication quorum | true
      node |  node_2 |        replication quorum | true
      node |  node_3 |        replication quorum | true
      node |  node_4 |        replication quorum | false
      node |  node_1 |        candidate priority | 50
      node |  node_2 |        candidate priority | 50
      node |  node_3 |        candidate priority | 50
      node |  node_4 |        candidate priority | 0

Three replication settings context are listed:

  1. The "formation" context contains a single entry, the value of number_sync_standbys for the target formation.
  2. The "primary" context contains one entry per group of Postgres nodes in the formation, and shows the current value of the synchronous_standby_names Postgres setting as computed by the monitor. It should match what's currently set on the primary node unless while applying a change, as shown by the primary being in the APPLY_SETTING state.
  3. The "node" context contains two entry per nodes, one line shows the replication quorum setting of nodes, and another line shows the candidate priority of nodes.

This command gives an overview of all the settings that apply to the current formation.



Location of the Postgres node being managed locally. Defaults to the environment variable PGDATA. Use --monitor to connect to a monitor from anywhere, rather than the monitor URI used by a local Postgres node managed with pg_autoctl.


Postgres URI used to connect to the monitor. Must use the autoctl_node username and target the pg_auto_failover database name. It is possible to show the Postgres URI from the monitor node using the command pg_autoctl show uri.

Defaults to the value of the environment variable PG_AUTOCTL_MONITOR.


Show the current replication settings for the given formation. Defaults to the default formation.


Output a JSON formatted data instead of a table formatted list.



Postgres directory location. Can be used instead of the --pgdata option.


Postgres URI to connect to the monitor node, can be used instead of the --monitor option.


The pg_autoctl command stores its configuration files in the standard place XDG_CONFIG_HOME. See the XDG Base Directory Specification.


The pg_autoctl command stores its internal states files in the standard place XDG_DATA_HOME, which defaults to ~/.local/share. See the XDG Base Directory Specification.


$ pg_autoctl show settings
     Context |    Name |                   Setting | Value
   formation | default |      number_sync_standbys | 1
     primary |   node1 | synchronous_standby_names | 'ANY 1 (pgautofailover_standby_2, pgautofailover_standby_3)'
        node |   node1 |        candidate priority | 50
        node |   node2 |        candidate priority | 50
        node |   node3 |        candidate priority | 50
        node |   node1 |        replication quorum | true
        node |   node2 |        replication quorum | true
        node |   node3 |        replication quorum | true




Jul 19, 2024 2.1 pg_auto_failover