pcb-rnd-svg - Man Page
compare pcb-rnd svg renders
pcb-rnd-svg command [args]
pcb-rnd-svg compares svg renders generated by pcb-rnd in a way that order of objects within the svg does not matter, only layering and geometry do. This is done by sorting group objects, assuming each object is a single line.
Note: stored reference files are of format boardname.ref or boardname.ref.gz if they are compressed.
- svg-sort
reads a pcb-rnd generated svg on stdin, prints sorted svg: objects within each group sorted alphabetically
- svg-diff s1 s2
sort pcb-rnd generated svgs s1 and s2 and print diff s1 s2; result written to stdout in diff -u format
- diff b1 b2
run pcb-rnd to generate svgs of b1 and b2 and print their diff; result written to stdout in diff -u format. Boards can be of any format pcb-rnd can load.
- svg-vis-comp s1 s2
generate a visual comparison of s1 and s2, diffs highlighted: - lines of the diff with blue, + lines with red in a new group, over the faded version of s1.
- vis-comp b1 b2
generate a svg visual comparison of board files b1 and b2, diffs highlighted: - lines of the diff with blue, + lines with red in a new group, over the faded svg render of b1. Boards can be of any format pcb-rnd can load.
- test brd
run pcb-rnd on brd and compare the resulting svg to a saved sorted svg reference file called brd.ref
- test-all dir1 [dir2 dirN...]
run test on all boards with a ref available under all directories listed, recursively.
- gen-ref brd1 [brd2 brdN...]
generate the initial svg reference file for all board files named