pbe-start - Man Page

COMMAND 'pbe start'

usage: pbe start [-h] [-q] [-d] [-H HOSTNAME] [-U USERNAME] [-K PRIVKEY] [-T TIMEOUT] [-w WAKEPERIOD] [-S WAKEPERIOD_STEP] [--span SPAN] [--warmup WARMUP] [-o OUTDIR] [--reportid REPORTID] [--report]

Start measuring C-states power break even.

OPTIONS 'pbe start'


Show this help message and exit.


Be quiet.


Print debugging information.


Name of the host to run the command on.


Name of the user to use for logging into the remote host over SSH. The default user name is 'root'.

-K PRIVKEY, --priv-key PRIVKEY

Path to the private SSH key that should be used for logging into the remote host. By default the key is automatically found from standard paths like '~/.ssh'.


SSH connect timeout in seconds, default is 8.


The wake period range to go through. The default range is [10us,10ms], but you can override it with this option by specifying a comma- separated range. The default unit is microseconds, but you can use the following specifiers as well: ms - milliseconds, us -microseconds, ns - nanoseconds. For example, '--wakeperiod 20us,1ms' would be a [20,1000] microseconds range.


The wake period step. By default it is 1%. You can specify a percent value or an absolute time value. In the latter case, you can use one of the following specifiers: ms - milliseconds, us - microseconds, ns - nanoseconds. For example, '--wakeperiod-step=1ms' means that wake period will be incremented by 1 millisecond on every iteration. If no unit was specified, microseconds are assumed.

--span SPAN

For how long a single wake period value should be measured. By default, it is 1 minute. Specify time value in minutes, or use one of the following specifiers: d - days, h - hours, m - minutes, s -seconds.

--warmup WARMUP

When this tool starts measuring a new wake period value, first it lets the system "warm up" for some amount of time, and starts collecting the data (e.g., power) only after the warm up period. This allows the system to get into the "steady state" (e.g., fans speed and CPU temperature stabilizes). By default, the warm up period is 1 minute. Specify a value in minutes, or use one of the following specifiers: d - days, h - hours, m - minutes, s - seconds.

-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR

Path to the directory to store the results at.

--stats STATS

Comma-separated list of statistics to collect. The statistics are collected in parallel with power break-even data collection. They are stored in the the "stats" sub-directory of the output directory. By default, only 'turbostat, sysinfo' statistics are collected. Use 'all' to collect all possible statistics. Use '--stats=""' or '--stats="none"' to disable statistics collection. If you know exactly what statistics you need, specify the comma-separated list of statistics to collect. For example, use 'turbostat,acpower' if you need only turbostat and AC power meter statistics. You can also specify the statistics you do not want to be collected by pre-pending the '!' symbol. For example, 'all,!turbostat' would mean: collect all the statistics supported by the SUT, except for 'turbostat'. Use the '--list-stats' option to get more information about available statistics.

--stats-intervals STATS_INTERVALS

The intervals for statistics. Statistics collection is based on doing periodic snapshots of data. For example, by default the 'acpower' statistics collector reads SUT power consumption for the last second every second, and 'turbostat' default interval is 5 seconds. Use 'acpower:5,turbostat:10' to increase the intervals to 5 and 10 seconds correspondingly. Use the '--list-stats' to get the default interval values.


Print information about the statistics 'pbe' can collect and exit.

--reportid REPORTID

Any string which may serve as an identifier of this run. By default report ID is the current date, prefixed with the remote host name in case the '-H' option was used: [hostname-]YYYYMMDD. For example, "20150323" is a report ID for a run made on March 23, 2015. The allowed characters are: ACSII alphanumeric, '-', '.', ',', '_', '~', and ':'.


Generate an HTML report for collected results (same as calling 'report' command with default arguments).


The lead CPU. This is the CPU that will set timers and send interrupts to all other CPUs to wake them when the timers expire. The default is CPU 0.

