pango-view - Man Page

"Pango text viewer"



pango-view [OPTIONâ.¦] - FILE

Help Options

-h,  --help

Show help options


Show all help options


Options understood by the cairo backend

Cairo backend options


Annotate the output. Comma-separated list of gravity, progression, baselines, layout, line, run, cluster, char, glyph, caret, slope

Application Options


No layout direction according to contents


Pango backend to use for rendering (default: cairo)


Set the background color

-q,  --no-display

Do not display (just write to file or whatever)


Set the resolution


Text alignment


Ellipsization mode


Set the font description


Set the text color


Base gravity: glyph rotation


Gravity hint


Display the options in the output


Height in points (positive) or number of lines (negative) for ellipsizing


Hinting style




Hint metrics


Subpixel positioning


Subpixel order


Width in points to indent paragraphs


Spacing in points between lines


Spread factor for line height


Stretch paragraph lines to be justified


Justify the last line of the paragraph


Language to use for font selection

--margin=CSS-style numbers in pixels

Set the margin on the output in pixels


Interpret text as Pango markup

-o,  --output=file

Save rendered image to output file


Use pixel units instead of points (sets dpi to 72)


Use Pango units instead of points


Set base direction to right-to-left


Angle at which to rotate results

-n,  --runs=integer

Run Pango layout engine this many times


Enable single-paragraph mode

-t,  --text=string

Text to display (instead of a file)


Show version numbers


Create a waterfall display

-w,  --width=points

Width in points to which to wrap lines or ellipsize


Text wrapping mode (needs a width to be set)


Create layout from a serialized file


Serialize result to a file


July 2024 pango 1.54.0