pam_abl - Man Page

query or purge the databases used by the pam_abl module.


pam_abl [OPTION] [CONFIG]


Provides a non-pam interface to the infomration stored in the pam_abl module databases. CONFIG is the name of the pam_abl config file (default: /etc/security/pam_abl.conf). The config file is read to discover the names of the pam_abl databases, the rules that control purging of old data from them and commands to run when a user or host switches state.



-h,  --help

See this message.

-d,  --debugcommand

Print the block/clear commands split in arguments.

-p,  --purge

Purge databases according to purge rules in config.

-r,  --relative

Display times relative to now.

-v,  --verbose

Verbose output.

Non-Pam Interaction

-f,  --fail

Fail user or host.

-w,  --whitelist

Perform whitelisting (remove from blacklist, does not provide immunity).

-c,  --check

Check status. Returns non-zero if currently blocked Prints name: status if verboseness is specified. If more than one host or user is given, checks only the first host/user pair.

-u,  --update

Update the state of all users/hosts in the db. This will also cause the appropriate scripts to be called.

-s,  --service

Operate in context of specified service. Defaults to none.

-U,  --user

Operate on user (wildcards are ok for whitelisting).

-H,  --host

Operate on host (wildcards are ok for whitelisting).

-R,  --reason

Only used when -f is provided (defaults to "AUTH"). Specifies why the authentication failed. Possible values are USER, HOST, BOTH, AUTH

If you specified commands to run in your configuration, those commands will try to run if the host or user switches state (blocked <→ clear) since the last time it was checked. The command will only be able to run, however, if you supply enough information to fill in the substitutions in the command. For instance, if your host_clr_command uses the %s parameter, you will need to specify the service with -s in order for the command to actually run.


Obtain a list of failed hosts and users:

$ pam_abl

Obtain a full list of failures listing times relative to now:

$ pam_abl -rv $ pam_abl --relative --verbose

Purge old data:

$ pam_abl -p $ pam_abl --purge

Unblock all, hosts:

$ pam_abl -w -H * -H \*

Fail the host and the user joe because the authentication failed:

$ pam_abl -f -H -U joe -R AUTH

Check whether joe is currently allowed to use your neato service from somehost, running the necessary commands if he switches state:

$ pam_abl -c -U joe -H somehost -s neato

Because the user/host state is only updated when an attempt is made, you can manually force pam-abl to update the states and call the correct scripts:

$ pam_abl -u


Lode Mertens <>

Andy Armstrong <>

Chris Tasma <>

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <> or using the bugtracker on sourceforge.

See Also

pam_abl.conf(5), pam_abl(8)


Chris Tasma


Referenced By

pam_abl(8), pam_abl.conf(5).

07/18/2024 GNU