osmium-create-locations-index - Man Page

create or update locations index from OSM file


osmium create-locations-index -i INDEX-FILE [Options] OSM-FILE


Create an index of all node locations from the OSM-FILE in the file INDEX-FILE.

If the INDEX-FILE exists, it will not be touched unless the --update/-u option is used.

Regardless of the size of the input file, this index will need about 8 * highest-node-id bytes on disk. For a current planet file this is more than 50 GBytes.

The index file format is compatible to the one created by “osmium add-location-to-ways -i dense_file_array,INDEX-FILE” and to the flatnode store created by osm2pgsql.

When the input file is a full history file or a change file, the last location encountered in the file for any ID ends up in the index. Usually this will be the newest location (from the node with the highest version).

This command will not work with negative node IDs.

This commands reads its input file only once, so it can be streamed, ie. it can read from STDIN.


-i,  --index-file=FILENAME

The name of the index file.

-u,  --update

Allow updating of existing file.

Common Options

-h,  --help

Show usage help.

-v,  --verbose

Set verbose mode. The program will output information about what it is doing to STDERR.


Show progress bar. Usually a progress bar is only displayed if STDOUT and STDERR are detected to be TTY. With this option a progress bar is always shown. Note that a progress bar will never be shown when reading from STDIN or a pipe.


Do not show progress bar. Usually a progress bar is displayed if STDOUT and STDERR are detected to be a TTY. With this option the progress bar is suppressed. Note that a progress bar will never be shown when reading from STDIN or a pipe.

Input Options

-F,  --input-format=FORMAT

The format of the input file(s). Can be used to set the input format if it can’t be autodetected from the file name(s). This will set the format for all input files, there is no way to set the format for some input files only. See osmium-file-formats(5) or the libosmium manual for details.


osmium create-locations-index exits with exit code


if everything went alright,


if there was an error processing the data, or


if there was a problem with the command line arguments.

Memory Usage

osmium create-locations-index will not use a lot of memory.


Create node locations index from planet:

osmium create-locations-index -i locations.idx planet.osm.pbf

Set a node location in the index using an input file in OPL format:

echo "n123 x-80.6042 y28.6083" | \
    osmium create-locations-index -i locations.idx -F opl --update

See Also


If you have any questions or want to report a bug, please go to https://osmcode.org/contact.html


Jochen Topf <jochen@topf.org>.

Referenced By

