orcus-xml - Man Page

convert an XML file


orcus-xml [Options] FILE


-h [ --help ]

Print this help.

--mode arg

Mode of operation. Select one of the following options: dump, map, map-gen, structure, or transform.

-m [ --map ] arg

Path to the map file. A map file is required for all modes except for the structure mode.

-o [ --output ] arg

Path to either an output directory, or an output file.

-f [ --output-format ] arg Specify the output format.

Supported format types are:

* check - Flat format that fully encodes document

content. Suitable for automated testing. * csv - CSV format. * debug-state - This format dumps the internal state of the document in detail, useful for debugging. * flat - Flat text format that displays document content in grid. * html - HTML format. * json - JSON format. * none - No output to be generated. Maybe useful during development. * xml - This format is currently unsupported. * yaml - This format is currently unsupported.

-h [ --help ]

Print this help.

--mode arg

Mode of operation. Select one of the following options: dump, map, map-gen, structure, or transform.

-m [ --map ] arg

Path to the map file. A map file is required for all modes except for the structure mode.

-o [ --output ] arg

Path to either an output directory, or an output file.

-f [ --output-format ] arg Specify the output format.

Supported format types are:

* check - Flat format that fully encodes document

content. Suitable for automated testing. * csv - CSV format. * debug-state - This format dumps the internal state of the document in detail, useful for debugging. * flat - Flat text format that displays document content in grid. * html - HTML format. * json - JSON format. * none - No output to be generated. Maybe useful during development. * xml - This format is currently unsupported. * yaml - This format is currently unsupported.


July 2024 liborcus 0.19.2