oidc-tokensh - Man Page


oidc-tokensh ā€” Ensure that valid Access Tokens are always available

oidc-tokensh starts a new shell within which oidc-agent is available. It prompts for a password to unlock an account configuration, when necessary.

Access Tokens are automatically renewed for the specified account, before they expire.


oidc-tokensh [-h] [oidc-token options] -- [command]


This tool is based on httokensh by Dave Dykstra.

Runs oidc-agent and oidc-token with given options, starts the command, and runs oidc-token in the background as needed to renew the token until the command exits.


-h, ā€‰--help

show this help message and exit

--oidc <name>|<OP-url>

name or url of the oidc-agent configuration to use

--minsecs <seconds>

minimum lifetime the token should have

-o|--outfile <file>

specify alternative file for storing the Access Token


show debug output

command defaults to $SHELL

Please specify the oidc-agent shortname that you wish to use



See Also

oidc-agent(1), oidc-add(1), oidc-token(1)

Low-traffic mailing list with updates such as critical security incidents and new releases: https://www.lists.kit.edu/sympa/subscribe/oidc-agent-user

Full documentation can be found at https://indigo-dc.gitbooks.io/oidc-agent/user/oidc-tokensh


January 2025 Trying to auto-detect oidc-agent configuration