ogmdemux - Man Page

Extract streams from OGG/OGM files into separate files


ogmdemux [options] inname


This program extracts all or only some streams from an OGM and writes them to separate files.


Use 'inname' as the source.

-o,  --output out

Use 'out' as the base for destination file names. '-v1', '-v2', '-a1', '-t1'... will be appended to this name. Default: use 'inname'.

-a,  --astream n

Extract specified audio stream. Can be used more than once. Default: extract all streams.

-d,  --vstream n

Extract specified video stream. Can be used more than once. Default: extract all streams.

-t,  --tstream n

Extract specified text stream. Can be used more than once. Default: extract all streams.

-na,  --noaudio

Don't extract any audio streams.

-nv,  --novideo

Don't extract any video streams.

-nt,  --notext

Don't extract any text streams. Default: extract all streams.

-r,  --raw

Extract the raw streams only. Default: extract to useful formats (AVI, WAV, OGG, SRT...).

-v,  --verbose

Increase verbosity.

-h,  --help

Show this help.

-V,  --version

Show version number.


What works:

What not works:


ogmdemux was written by Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>.

See Also

ogmmerge(1), ogmsplit(1), ogminfo(1), ogmcat(1), dvdxchap(1)


The newest version can always be found at <http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/ogmtools/>

Referenced By

dvdxchap(1), ogmcat(1), ogminfo(1), ogmmerge(1), ogmsplit(1).

November 2004 ogmdemux v1.5