objfw-config - Man Page

print flags required for compiling with ObjFW


objfw-config [options]


objfw-config is a program which outputs various flags needed to compile software using ObjFW.



Outputs all flags + libs.


Outputs the required OBJCFLAGS to use ARC.


Outputs the required CFLAGS.


Outputs the required CPPFLAGS.


Outputs the required CXXFLAGS.


Outputs the required LIBS, preferring frameworks.


Prints the help.


Outputs the required LDFLAGS.


Outputs the required LIBS.


Outputs CFLAGS for building a library.


Outputs LDFLAGS for building a library.


Outputs the prefix for libraries.


Outputs the suffix for libraries.


Outputs the OBJC used to compile ObjFW. It is required to use the same OBJC that was used to compile ObjFW.


Outputs the required OBJCFLAGS.

--package name

Additionally outputs the flags for the specified package.


Outputs the directory where flags for packages are stored.


Outputs CFLAGS for building a plugin.


Outputs LDFLAGS for building a plugin.


Outputs the suffix for plugins.


Outputs the suffix for binaries.


Outputs LDFLAGS to reexport ObjFW.


Outputs LDFLAGS for using rpath.


Outputs the required LIBS to link ObjFW statically.


Outputs the installed ObjFW version.



objfw-config --objcflags --cppflags

Print LIBS and LDFLAGS for ObjFW and ObjFWTLS:

objfw-config --libs --ldflags --package ObjFWTLS

See Also


Referenced By
