nvdecompress - Man Page
manual page for Warning: unrecognized option "--version"
Warning: unrecognized option "--help" NVIDIA Texture Tools - Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2007
usage: nvdecompress [options] infile.dds [outfile]
Note: the .tga or .png extension is forced on outfile
Input options
- -forcenormal
The input image is a normal map.
- -mipmaps
Decompress all mipmaps.
- -faces
Decompress all faces.
- -histogram
Output histogram.
- -format <format>
Output format ('tga' or 'png').
NVIDIA Texture Tools - Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2007
usage: nvdecompress [options] infile.dds [outfile]
Note: the .tga or .png extension is forced on outfile
Input options
- -forcenormal
The input image is a normal map.
- -mipmaps
Decompress all mipmaps.
- -faces
Decompress all faces.
- -histogram
Output histogram.
- -format <format>
Output format ('tga' or 'png').
July 2024 Warning: unrecognized option --version""