nsgr_job - Man Page
manual page for nsgr_job 1.0.3
nsgr_job OPTIONS
Where OPTIONS are:
path to config file
By default, it looks in the users's home directory (~) for .nsgrest.conf, then for nsgrest.conf (without a dot)
list all the user's jobs
- choose a job to act upon.
If no other action (like download) is selected, shows the job's status.
-d results_directory
- download job results to specified directory.
Directory (but not intermediate directories) will
be created if it doesn't exist.
Use with -j to specify the job.
verbose (use with -l to get a verbose job listing)
- remove a job.
Deletes input and output data and all info about the job. Cancels
the job if it's waiting to run or running.
For example
nsgr_job -l
list the user's jobs
nsgr_job -j JOBHANDLE
shows status of the job whose jobhandle is JOBHANDLE
nsgr_job -j JOBHANDLE -d
download's results of the job whose jobhandle is JOBHANDLE
nsgr_job -j JOBHANDLE -r
cancel and remove the specified job.