ndl-filter - Man Page

COMMAND 'ndl filter'
usage: ndl filter [-h] [-q] [-d] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--include INCLUDE]
[--exclude-metrics MEXCLUDE] [--include-metrics MINCLUDE]
[--human-readable] [-o OUTDIR] [--list-metrics] [--reportid REPORTID]


Filter datapoints out of a test result by removing CSV rows and metrics
according to specified criteria. The criteria is specified using the row
and metric filter and selector options ('--include',

'--exclude-metrics', etc). The options may be specified multiple times.


The ndl test result path to filter.

OPTIONS 'ndl filter'

Show this help message and exit.


Be quiet.


Print debugging information.

--exclude EXCLUDE

Datapoints to exclude: remove all the datapoints satisfying the expression 'EXCLUDE'. Here is an example of an expression: '(WakeLatency < 10000) | (PC6% < 1)'. This filter expression will remove all datapoints with 'WakeLatency' smaller than 10000 nanoseconds or package C6 residency smaller than 1%. The detailed expression syntax can be found in the documentation for the 'eval()' function of Python 'pandas' module. You can use metrics in the expression, or the special word 'index' for the row number (0-based index) of a datapoint in the results. For example, expression 'index >= 10' will get rid of all datapoints except for the first 10 ones.

--include INCLUDE

Datapoints to include: remove all datapoints except for those satisfying the expression 'INCLUDE'. In other words, this option is the inverse of '--exclude'. This means, '--include expr' is the same as '--exclude "not (expr)"'.

--exclude-metrics MEXCLUDE

The metrics to exclude. Expects a comma-separated list of the metrics or python style regular expressions matching the names. For example, the expression 'SilentTime,WarmupDelay,.*Cyc', would remove metrics 'SilentTime', 'WarmupDelay' and all metrics with 'Cyc' in their name. Use '--list-metrics' to get the list of the available metrics.

--include-metrics MINCLUDE

The metrics to include: remove all metrics except for those specified by this option. The syntax is the same as for '--exclude-metrics'.


By default the result 'filter' command print the result as a CSV file to the standard output. This option can be used to dump the result in a more human-readable form.

-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR

By default the resulting CSV lines are printed to the standard output. But this option can be used to specify the output directly to store the result at. This will create a filtered version of the input test result.


Print the list of the available metrics and exit.

--reportid REPORTID

Report ID of the filtered version of the result (can only be used with '--outdir').

