nbrhoodg - Man Page

manual page for nbrhoodg 2.8.9


nbrhoodg [-lq] [-c|-C] [-d#|d#:#] [-v#|-v#:#] [infile [outfile]]


Extract neighbours of vertices of a graph.

The output file has a header if and only if the input file does. No isomorph reduction is done.


Canonically label outputs (default is same labelling as input)


Extract closed neighbourhoods instead.


Extract non-neighbourhoods instead.

-d# -d#:# Only include vertices with original degree in the given range

-v# -v#:# Only include vertices with these vertex numbers (first is 0).

No empty graphs are output. For digraphs, out-degree and out-neighbourhoods are used.


Suppress auxiliary information


September 2024 nbrhoodg 2.8.9