nbdiff - Man Page

Compute the difference between two Jupyter notebooks


usage: nbdiff [-h] [--version] [--config]

[--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-s] [-o] [-a] [-m] [-i] [-d] [--color-words] [--no-color] [--no-git] [--no-use-diff] [--out OUT] [base] [remote] [paths ...]

Compute the difference between two Jupyter notebooks.

positional arguments


the base notebook filename OR base git-revision.


the remote modified notebook filename OR remote gitrevision.


filter diffs for git-revisions based on path


-h,  --help

show this help message and exit


show program's version number and exit


list the valid config keys and their current effective values


set the log level by name.


whether to pass the --color-words flag to any internal calls to git diff


prevent use of ANSI color code escapes for text output


prevent use of git for formatting diff/merge text output


prevent use of diff/diff3 for formatting diff/merge text output

--out OUT

if supplied, the diff is written to this file. Otherwise it is printed to the terminal.


Set which parts of the notebook (not) to process.

-s,  --sources,  -S,  --ignore-sources

process/ignore sources.

-o,  --outputs,  -O,  --ignore-outputs

process/ignore outputs.

-a,  --attachments,  -A,  --ignore-attachments

process/ignore attachments.

-m,  --metadata,  -M,  --ignore-metadata

process/ignore metadata.

-i,  --id,  -I,  --ignore-id

process/ignore identifiers.

-d,  --details,  -D,  --ignore-details

process/ignore details not covered by other options.


September 2024 nbdiff 4.0.2