mysqldumpslow - Man Page

Summarize slow query log files (mysqldumpslow is now a symlink to mariadb-dumpslow)


mysqldumpslow [options] [log_file ...]


The MariaDB slow query log contains information about queries that take a long time to execute. mysqldumpslow parses MariaDB slow query log files and prints a summary of their contents.

Normally, mysqldumpslow groups queries that are similar except for the particular values of number and string data values. It “abstracts” these values to N and 'S' when displaying summary output. The -a and -n options can be used to modify value abstracting behavior.

Invoke mysqldumpslow like this:

shell> mysqldumpslow [options] [log_file ...]

mysqldumpslow supports the following options.

Example of usage:

shell> mysqldumpslow
Reading mysql slow query log from /usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld51-apple-slow.log
Count: 1  Time=4.32s (4s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=0.0 (0), root[root]@localhost
 insert into t2 select * from t1
Count: 3  Time=2.53s (7s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=0.0 (0), root[root]@localhost
 insert into t2 select * from t1 limit N
Count: 3  Time=2.13s (6s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=0.0 (0), root[root]@localhost
 insert into t1 select * from t1

See Also

For more information, please refer to the MariaDB Knowledge Base, available online at


MariaDB Foundation (

Referenced By

The man page mariadb-dumpslow(1) is an alias of mysqldumpslow(1).

15 May 2020 MariaDB 10.11 MariaDB Database System