mmg2d - Man Page
Adaptation and optimization of bidimensional meshes
mmg2d | ⟨mesh_file⟩ [output_file] [-sol ⟨solution_file⟩] [-met ⟨metric_file⟩] [-h] [-v] [-m ⟨n⟩] [-d] [-val] [-default] [-A] [-ar ⟨x⟩ | -nr] [-hmin ⟨x⟩] [-hmax ⟨x⟩] [-hsiz ⟨x⟩] [-hausd ⟨x⟩] [-hgrad ⟨x⟩] [-hgradreq ⟨x⟩] [-rmc x] [-lag ⟨n⟩] [-ls x] [-lssurf x] [-noinsert] [-nomove] [-noswap] [-nosurf] [-nosizreq] [-nreg] [-xreg] [-nsd ⟨n⟩] [-opnbdy] [-optim] [-3dMedit ⟨n⟩] |
The mmg2d application is dedicated to bidimensional triangular mesh remeshing.
By default it performs mesh modifications in order to control the surface approximation.
Providing a metric file, it adapts the mesh to the prescribed sizes at nodes.
Without metric file, the -optim option allows to improve the mesh quality with respect to the initial mesh size.
Providing a level-set file containing the values of the level-set function at the mesh nodes, the -ls option allows to explicitely mesh an implicit domain and the -lssurf option splits mesh boundaries on a provided isovalue.
Providing a displacement file -lag option applies a lagrangian displacement to boundary mesh nodes.
Command Line Arguments
Generic options:
File specifications:
Mode specifications (default is mesh adaptation):
- -lag ⟨n⟩
Lagrangian mesh displacement according to mode 0 ( n=0 ), 1 ( n=1 ) or 2 ( n=2 ). This option is only available with the USE_ELAS compilation flag. The LinearElasticity library must be founded to activate this flag.
- -ls x
Create mesh of isovalue x (0.0 if x is not provided).
- -lssurf x
Split boundary mesh on isovalue x (0.0 if x is not provided).
- -A
Enable anisotropy (without metric file).
- -ar ⟨x⟩ | -nr
Threshold for angle detection or sharp features detection disabling.
- -hmin ⟨x⟩
Minimal mesh size.
- -hmax ⟨x⟩
Maximal mesh size.
- -hsiz ⟨x⟩
Constant mesh size.
- -hausd ⟨x⟩
Control the Hausdorff distance to the underlying surface geometry.
- -hgrad ⟨x⟩
Control the gradation.
- -hgradreq ⟨x⟩
Control the gradation from required entities toward others.
- -rmc x
Remove componants whose volumic fraction is less than x (1.e-5 if x is not provided) of the whole mesh volume or not connected to base references provided in parameter file (level-set mode).
- -opnbdy
Preserve input edges at the interface of two domains of the same reference.
- -noinsert
No point insertion/deletion.
- -nomove
No point relocation
- -nosurf
No surface modifications.
- -noswap
No edge or face flipping.
- -nosizreq
No imposition of the size of required edges over required vertices.
- -nreg
Normal regularization using laplacian - antilaplacian smoothing.
- -xreg
Vertex coordinates regularization using laplacian - antilaplacian smoothing.
- -nsd ⟨n⟩
Save the subdomain of index n (default is n=0 which save all subdomains).
- -optim
Mesh improvement with respect to the initial mesh size.
- -3dMedit ⟨n⟩
Write and/or read Medit mesh file in 3D. If val=1 write the 2D mesh in 3D. If val=2 read and write 2D mesh in 3D. If val=3 read a 2D mesh in 3D and write it in 2D.
Return Values
mmg2d returns:
the 0 value if successful;
the 1 value if the process fail but can save a conform mesh;
the 2 value if the process fail and can't save a comform mesh.