memdump - Man Page

libmemcached Documentation


memdump [options]

Dump a list of keys from a server.


memdump  dumps a list of "keys" from all servers that it is told to fetch from. Because memcached does not guarantee to provide all keys it is not possible to get a complete "dump".



Display help.


Display version.


Operate quietly.


Operate more verbosely.


See -v|--verbose.

-s|--servers <list of servers>

Specify the list of servers as hostname[:port][,hostname[:port]...].


Enable non-blocking operations.


Disable Nagle's algorithm.


Enable binary protocol.


Buffer requests.

-u|--username <username>

Use username for SASL authentication.

-p|--password <password>

Use password for SASL authentication.

-f|--file [<file>]

Output to file instead of standard output.

NOTE: defaults to <key> if no argument was provided.



Specify a list of servers.


Program Prefix

The prefix of this program is variable, i.e. it can be configured at build time.

Usually the client programs of libmemcached-awesome are prefixed with mem, like memcat or memcp.

It can be configured, though, to replace the prefix with something else like mc, in case of that, the client programs of libmemcached-awesome would be called mccat, mccp, etc. respectively.

See Also

memcached(1) libmemcached(3)


Jul 18, 2024 1.1 libmemcached-awesome