luseradd - Man Page

Add an user


luseradd [OPTION]... user


Adds an user with name user.


-c,  --gecos=gecos

Set the GECOS field to gecos. The GECOS field is traditionally used to store user's real name and other information.

-d,  --directory=directory

Set user's home directory to directory. If this option is not present, a default specified by libuser configuration is used.

-g,  --gid=group

Set user's primary group to group. group can either be a group ID of an existing group, or a group name; if group is a group name and the group does not exist, it is created. If the --gid option is not specified, the default group name is user.

-i,  --interactive

Ask all questions when connecting to the user database, even if default answers are set up in libuser configuration.

-k,  --skeleton=directory

Populate the newly created user's home directory with a copy of directory. If this option is not present, a default directory specified by libuser configuration, or /etc/skel if libuser configuration does not specify a default, is used.

-M,  --nocreatehome

Don't create a home directory and a mail spool for the newly created user.

-n,  --nocreategroup

If a group is not specified using -g, use group name "users" instead of user. Note that despite the name of the option, the group will still be created if it does not exist.

-P,  --plainpassword=password

Set user's password to password. Note that the password can be viewed while running luseradd using tools such as ps(1).

-p,  --password=encrypted

Set user's password to the password represented by the hash encrypted. Note that the hash can be viewed while running luseradd using tools such as ps(1).

-r,  --reserved

The user is a system user. Users that are not marked as system user usually have automatically selected user IDs above a certain value (configured as LU_UIDNUMBER in libuser.conf(5)). This information is also passed to the libuser backends. This option implies the -M option.

-s,  --shell=shell

Set user's login shell to shell. If this option is not present, a default specified by libuser configuration is used.

-u,  --uid=uid

Use user ID uid for the newly created user. An user ID is selected automatically if this option is not present.


Use common name name for the newly created user. This attribute is only supported in some backends (e.g.LDAP), and its support may have further limitations (e.g. LDAP schema rules).


Use given name name for the newly created user. This attribute is only supported in some backends (e.g.LDAP), and its support may have further limitations (e.g. LDAP schema rules).


Use home telephone number phone for the newly created user. This attribute is only supported in some backends (e.g.LDAP), and its support may have further limitations (e.g. LDAP schema rules).


Use room number room for the newly created user. This attribute is only supported in some backends (e.g.LDAP), and its support may have further limitations (e.g. LDAP schema rules).


Use surname name for the newly created user. This attribute is only supported in some backends (e.g.LDAP), and its support may have further limitations (e.g. LDAP schema rules).


Use telephone number phone for the newly created user. This attribute is only supported in some backends (e.g.LDAP), and its support may have further limitations (e.g. LDAP schema rules).

Exit Status

The exit status is 0 on success, nonzero on error.


2009-12-09 libuser