lskrf - Man Page

List the keyrecs in a DNSSEC-Tools keyrec file


  lskrf [options] <keyrec-files>


lskrf lists the contents of the specified keyrec files.  All keyrec files are loaded before the output is displayed.  If any keyrecs have duplicated names, whether within one file or across multiple files, the later keyrec will be the one whose data are displayed.

lskrf has three base output formats.  In ascending levels of detail, these formats are terse output, default format, and long format.  Terse output is given when the -terse option is specified; long output is given when the -long option is specified.

The output displayed for each record in a keyrec file depends on the selected records, the selected attributes, and the selected output format. Each option in these option groups is described in detail in the Options section; the three basic output formats are described in the Output Formats section.

Output Formats

keyrec files hold three types of keyrec records:  zone records, signing set records, and key records.  Each type of keyrec record contains keyrec fields related to that type.  Zone keyrec records contain data about all the keys associated with a particular zone; set keyrec records contain data about all the keys associated with a particular signing set; key keyrec records contain key lengths and algorithms for each particular key. (There is the case of subordinate revoked and obsolete signing sets.  These are stored in key keyrec records, but they contain the set_type entry which key keyrecs do not.) The data to be printed must be specified by selecting some combination of the -zone, -sets, -keys, and  -all options.  There are also options for specifying specific types of keys to be printed.

The three base output formats are the default format, the terse format, and the long format.  The -terse option indicates that a minimal amount of output is desired; the -long option indicates that a great deal of output is desired.  The record-selection and attribute-selection options may be used in conjunction with -terse to display exactly the set of keyrec fields needed.  The default output format is a middle ground between terse and long output and is that used when neither -terse nor -long is given.

Zone keyrec Output

The table below shows the zone keyrec fields displayed for each output format.

    keyrec field         default        terse        long
    ------------         -------        -----        ----
    keyrec type            yes           no          yes
    zone name              yes           yes         yes
    zone file              yes           no          yes
    signed zonefile        yes           no          yes
    signing date           yes           no          yes
    expiration date        no            no          yes
    archive directory      no            no          yes
    KSK count              no            no          yes
    KSK directory          no            no          yes
    current KSK set        no            no          yes
    published KSK set      no            no          yes
    ZSK count              no            no          yes
    ZSK directory          no            no          yes
    current ZSK set        no            no          yes
    published ZSK set      no            no          yes
    new ZSK set            no            no          yes

Set keyrec Output

The table below shows the signing set keyrec fields displayed for each output format.

    keyrec field                 default        terse        long
    ------------                 -------        -----        ----
    keyrec type                    yes           no          yes
    set name                       yes           yes         yes
    zone name                      yes           no          yes
    type                           yes           no          yes
    keys                           no            no          yes
    last modification date         no            no          yes

Key keyrec Output

The table below shows the key keyrec fields displayed for each output format.

    keyrec field               default       terse       long
    ------------               -------       -----       ----
    keyrec type                yes           no          yes
    key name                   yes           yes         yes
    algorithm                  no            no          yes
    end date                   no            no          yes
    generation date            yes           no          yes
    key length                 no            no          yes
    key life                   no            no          yes
    key path                   no            no          yes
    keys                       no            no          yes
    random number generator    no            no          yes
    zone name                  yes           no          yes


lskrf takes three types of options:  record-selection options, record-attribute options, and output-style options.  These option sets are detailed below.

Record-selection options are required options; at least one record-selection option must be selected.  Record-attribute options and output-style options are optional options; any number of these option may be selected.

Record-Selection Options

These options select the types of keyrec that will be displayed.


This option displays all the records in a keyrec file.


This option displays the zones in a keyrec file.


This option displays the signing sets in a keyrec file.


This option displays the keys in a keyrec file.

The key data are sorted by key type in the following order:  Current KSKs, Published KSKs, Current ZSKs, Published ZSKs, New ZSKs, Obsolete KSKs, and Obsolete ZSKs.


This option displays the KSK keys in a keyrec file.


This option displays the Current KSK keys in a keyrec file.


This option displays the Published KSK keys in a keyrec file.


This option displays the obsolete KSK keys in a keyrec file.  This option must be give if obsolete KSK keys are to be displayed.


This option displays the revoked KSK keys in a keyrec file.  This option must be give if revoked KSK keys are to be displayed.


This option displays the ZSK keys in a keyrec file.  It does not include obsolete ZSK keys; the -obs option must be specified to display obsolete keys.


This option displays the Current ZSK keys in a keyrec file.


This option displays the New ZSK keys in a keyrec file.


This option displays the Published ZSK keys in a keyrec file.


This option displays the obsolete ZSK keys in a keyrec file.  This option must be give if obsolete ZSK keys are to be displayed.


This option displays the revoked ZSK keys in a keyrec file.  This option must be give if revoked ZSK keys are to be displayed.


This option displays the obsolete KSK and ZSK keys in a keyrec file. This option is a shorthand method specifying the -kobs and -zobs options.


This option displays the revoked KSK and ZSK keys in a keyrec file. This option is a shorthand method specifying the -krev and -zrev options.


This option displays the obsolete and revoked KSK and ZSK keys in a keyrec file.  This option is a shorthand method specifying the -obs and -rev options.

Record-Attribute Options

These options select subsets of the keyrecs chosen by the record-selection options.


This option displays the valid zones in a keyrec file. It implies the -zones option.


This option displays the expired zones in a keyrec file. It implies the -zones option.


This option displays the referenced signing set keyrecs and the referenced key keyrecs in a keyrec file, depending upon other selected options.

Referenced state depends on the following:

  * Signing sets are considered to be referenced if they
    are listed in a zone keyrec.

  * KSKs are considered to be referenced if they are listed
    in a signing set keyrec that is listed in a zone keyrec.

  * ZSKs are considered to be referenced if they are listed
    in a signing set keyrec that is listed in a zone keyrec.

This option may be used with either the -sets or -keys options.  If it isn't used with any record-selection options, then it is assumed that both -sets and -keys have been specified.


This option displays the unreferenced signing set keyrecs or the unreferenced key keyrecs in a keyrec file, depending upon other selected options.

Unreferenced state depends on the following:

  * Signing sets are considered to be unreferenced if they
    are not listed in a zone keyrec.

  * KSKs are considered to be unreferenced if they are not listed
    in a signing set keyrec that is listed in a zone keyrec.

  * ZSKs are considered to be unreferenced if they are not listed
    in a signing set keyrec that is listed in a zone keyrec.

  * Obsolete ZSKs are checked, whether or not the -obs flag
    was specified.

This option may be used with either the -sets or -keys options.  If it isn't used with any record-selection options, then it is assumed that both -sets and -keys have been specified.

Zone-Attribute Options

These options allow specific zone fields to be included in the output.  If combined with the -terse option, only those fields specifically desired will be printed.  These options must be used with the -zone option.


Display the zone's archive directory.  If an archive directory is not explicitly set for the zone, the default directory will be listed.


Display the zone's time-stamps.  These are the signing date and the expiration date.


Display the zone's directories.  These directories are the KSK directory, the ZSK directory, and the key archive directory.


Display the zone's expiration date.


Display the zone's KSK data.  This is the equivalent of specifying the -z-kskcount, -z-kskcur, -z-kskdir, and -z-kskpub options.


Display the zone's KSK count.


Display the zone's Current KSK signing set. If this is not defined, then "<unset>" will be given.


Display the zone's KSK directory. If this is not defined, then "." will be given.


Display the zone's Published KSK signing set. If this is not defined, then "<unset>" will be given.


Display the zone's signing sets.  This is the equivalent of specifying the -z-kskcur, -z-kskpub, -z-zskcur, -z-zsknew, and -z-zskpub options.


Display the zone's signing date.


Display the zone's signed zonefile.


Display the zone's zonefile.


Display the zone's ZSK data.  This is the equivalent of specifying the -z-zskcount, -z-zskcur, -z-zskdir, -z-zsknew, and -z-zskpub options.


Display the zone's ZSK count.


Display the zone's Current ZSK signing set. If this is not defined, then "<unset>" will be given.


Display the zone's ZSK directory. If this is not defined, then "." will be given.


Display the zone's New ZSK signing set. If this is not defined, then "<unset>" will be given.


Display the zone's Published ZSK signing set. If this is not defined, then "<unset>" will be given.

Set-Attribute Options

These options allow specific set fields to be included in the output.  If combined with the -terse option, only those fields specifically desired will be printed.  These options must be used with the -sets option.

If RFC5011 processing is enabled, there is special handling of the zone's set keyrec of revoked KSK keys.  The "kskrev" field in the zone's keyrec points to a set keyrec, marked as being of type "kskrev".  This set keyrec, in turn, points to a number of other set keyrecs, all of which are also marked as being of type "kskrev".  The group of all revoked KSK keys is found by consulting that subsidiary set of "kskrev" set keyrecs.  When the ages of these revoked keys exceeds their revocation periods, they are marked as being obsolete ("kskobs").  If this happens as part of normal rollover, these revoked key and set keyrecs are all removed from the chain of active, revoked keyrecs.  If this happens to a key that's part of a larger set of keys, it is removed from that signing set and put in its own new signing set.  lskrf displays the type of the "kskrev" set (listed in the zone keyrec) as "KSK-REV", and all other revoked KSK keyrecs are listed as "KSK-rev".


Display the set's keys.


Display the set's date of last modification.


Display the set's type.


Display the set's zone name.


Display KSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display current KSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display obsolete KSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display published KSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display revoked KSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display ZSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display current ZSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display new ZSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display obsolete ZSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display published ZSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.


Display revoked ZSK signing sets.  This option implies the -sets option.

Key-Attribute Options

These options allow specific key fields to be included in the output.  If combined with the -terse option, only those fields specifically desired will be printed.  These options must be used with the -key option.


Display the key's encryption algorithm.


Display the key's end-date, calculated by adding the key's lifespan to its signing date.


Display the key's length.


Display the key's lifespan (in seconds.) This lifespan is only related to the time between key rollover.  There is no other lifespan associated with a key.


Display the key's path.


Display the key's random number generator.


Display the key's signing date.


Display the key's zonefile.

Output-Format Options

These options define how the keyrec information will be displayed.

Without any of these options, the zone name, zone file, zone-signing date, and a label will be displayed for zones.  For types, the key name, the key's zone, the key's generation date, and a label will be displayed if these options aren't given.


The count of matching records will be displayed, but the matching records will not be.


The key's generation date will not be printed if this flag is given.


Display explanatory column headers.  If this flag is given, then entry labels will not be printed unless explicitly requested by use of the -label option.


A label for the keyrec's type will be given.


The long form of output will be given.  See the Output Formats section for details on data printed for each type of keyrec record.

Long zone output can get very wide, depending on the data.


This options displays only the name of the zones or keys selected by other options.


Displays the version information for lskrf and the DNSSEC-Tools package.


Display a usage message and exit.


Display the zone-attribute options and exit.


Display the set-attribute options and exit.


Display the key-attribute options and exit.


Wayne Morrison,

See Also



Referenced By

krfcheck(1), lsdnssec(1), signset-editor(1), zonesigner(1).

2024-06-10 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation