lkbib - Man Page
search bibliographic databases
lkbib | --help |
lkbib | -v |
lkbib | --version |
lkbib searches bibliographic databases for references containing keywords key and writes any references found to the standard output stream. It reads databases given by -p options and then (unless -n is given) a default database. The default database is taken from the REFER environment variable if it is set, otherwise it is /usr/dict/papers/Ind. For each database file to be searched, if an index file.i created by indxbib(1) exists, then it will be searched instead; each index can cover multiple databases.
- --help
- displays a usage message, while -v and --version show version information; all exit afterward.
- -i string
When searching files for which no index exists, ignore the contents of fields whose names are in string.
- -n
Suppress search of default database.
- -p file
Search file. Multiple -p options can be used.
- -t n
Require only the first n characters of keys to be given. The default is 6.
Default database.
- /usr/dict/papers/Ind
Default database to be used if the REFER environment variable is not set.
- file.i
Index files.
See also
“Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the Unix System”, by M. E. Lesk, 1978, AT&T Bell Laboratories Computing Science Technical Report No. 69.
Referenced By
groff(1), indxbib(1), lookbib(1), refer(1).