l2ping - Man Page
Send L2CAP echo request and receive answer
Examples (TL;DR)
- Ping a Bluetooth device:
sudo l2ping mac_address
- Reverse ping a Bluetooth device:
sudo l2ping -r mac_address
- Ping a Bluetooth device from a specified interface:
sudo l2ping -i hci0 mac_address
- Ping Bluetooth device with a specified sized data package:
sudo l2ping -s byte_count mac_address
- Ping flood a Bluetooth device:
sudo l2ping -f mac_address
- Ping a Bluetooth device a specified amount of times:
sudo l2ping -c amount mac_address
- Ping a Bluetooth device with a specified delay between requests:
sudo l2ping -d seconds mac_address
l2ping [Options] bd_addr
l2ping(1) sends a L2CAP echo request to the Bluetooth MAC address bd_addr given in dotted hex notation.
- -i <hciX>
The command is applied to device hciX, which must be the name of an installed Bluetooth device (X = 0, 1, 2, ...) If not specified, the command will be sent to the first available Bluetooth device.
- -s size
The size of the data packets to be sent.
- -c count
Send count number of packets then exit.
- -t timeout
Wait timeout seconds for the response.
- -d delay
Wait delay seconds between pings.
- -f
Kind of flood ping. Use with care! It reduces the delay time between packets to 0.
- -r
Reverse ping (gnip?). Send echo response instead of echo request.
- -v
Verify response payload is identical to request payload. It is not required for remote stacks to return the request payload, but most stacks do (including Bluez).
- bd_addr
The Bluetooth MAC address to be pinged in dotted hex notation like 01:02:03:ab:cd:ef or 01:EF:cd:aB:02:03
Reporting Bugs
Maxim Krasnyansky <maxk@qualcomm.com>, Marcel Holtmann <marcel@holtmann.org>, Nils Faerber <nils@kernelconcepts.de>, Adam Laurie <adam@algroup.co.uk>.
Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).