krunvm-create - Man Page

Create a new microVM from an OCI image


krunvm create [Options] IMAGE


krunvm create creates a new microVM from the OCI image specified by IMAGE. Please refer to buildah-from(1) for information about the format supported by the IMAGE argument.


--cpus NUM

The number of vCPUs that will be created for this microVM.

--mem NUM

The amount of RAM, in MiB, that will be available to this microVM.

The memory configured for the microVM will not be reserved immediately. Instead, it will be provided as the guest demands it, and both the guest and libkrun (acting as the Virtual Machine Monitor) will attempt to return as many pages as possible to the host.

--name NAME

The name to be assigned to this microVM.


Exposes a port in the guest running in the microVM through a port in the host.

This option can be specified multiple times to expose as many guest ports as desired.

-v,  --volume HOST_PATH:GUEST_PATH

Makes HOST_PATH visible in the guest running in the microVM through GUEST_PATH.

This option can be specified multiple times to make more paths in the host visible in the guest.

-w,  --workdir GUEST_PATH

Configures GUEST_PATH as the working directory for the first binary executed in the microVM.

See Also

buildah(1), buildah-from(1), krunvm(1), krunvm-changevm(1)

Referenced By

krunvm(1), krunvm-changevm(1), krunvm-config(1), krunvm-list(1), krunvm-start(1).
