krazy2xml - Man Page

KDE source code checking for the English Breakfast Network (EBN)


krazy2xml [options]


krazy2xml is a big wrapper around krazy(1) for no obvious use other than generating Code Checking Quality reports on the English Breakfast Network.



Print help message and exit.


Print version information and exit.

--config <settings.yaml>

Read system settings from the specified settings.yaml configuration file.


With this option the checker programs aren't run; instead, the command line for each check that would be run is printed.


Set this option to turn-off all database operations.


Use the specified value for the database generationId.

The value is intended to be computed by the database being used and then passed into this program, rather than this program computing the value itself.

Do NOT use this option unless you know what you're doing.


Only run for the specified KDE component. By default, the kde-4.x component is assumed.


Only run for the specified KDE module within the component. By default all modules within the component are processed.


A title string to print onto each report page. If this option is not provided, a title for each page is generated that contains the source component, module and subdir.


Process all modules within component extragear
 % krazy2xml --component=extragear
Process module kdelibs within component kde-4.0
 % krazy2xml --component=kde-4.0 --module=kdelibs


KRAZY_PLUGIN_PATH - this is a colon-separated list of paths which is searched when locating plugins. By default, plugins are searched for in the path $TOP/lib/krazy2/krazy-plugins:krazy-plugins.

KRAZY_EXTRA_PATH - this is a colon-separated list of paths which is searched when locating "extra" plugins. By default, the "extras" are searched for in the path $TOP/lib/krazy2/krazy-extras:krazy-extras.

KRAZY_SET_PATH - this is a colon-separated list of paths which is searched when locating checker sets. By default, the sets are searched for in the path $TOP/lib/krazy2/krazy-sets:krazy-sets.

where $TOP is the top-level installation directory (eg. /usr/local, /usr/local/Krazy2)

Exit Status

In normal operation, krazy2xml exits with status 0.

If a command line option was incorrectly provided, krazy2xml exits with status=1.

If krazy2 was envoked with the --help or --version options it will exit with status=0.


krazyrc(3) files are processed in descending hierarchical order with each sublevel setting appending in a logical way to the previous level settings. The following files are read:

See Also

krazyrc(3), krazy2(1), krazy2all(1)


Allen Winter, <>

Referenced By

krazy2(1), krazy2all(1), krazyrc(3).

2024-07-18 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation