kcapi-hasher - Man Page

Kernel Crypto API Message Digest Check Helper


kcapi-hasher [-n BASENAME] [OPTION]... -S|-L

kcapi-hasher [-n BASENAME] [OPTION]... -c FILE [-T FILE]

kcapi-hasher [-n BASENAME] [OPTION]... FILE...


The kcapi-hasher application provides tool to compute and check the message digest as well as keyed message digest ciphers of the Linux kernel crypto API from the command line.

The command line arguments, inputs and outputs closely mimick those of other similar utilities. I.e. sha1sum(1) sha512sum(1), and etc.

This is a multi-call binary, and algorithm can be selected by symlinking this application under the desired name. Separately application name can be overriden directly with with name option, or desired hash can be selected with the hash option.

The input data can be provided either via STDIN or via a file that is referenced with a command line option.


-n,  --name NAME

Force a given application NAME from the supported list of: sha1sum, sha224sum, sha256sum, sha384sum, sha512sum, sm3sum, sha3sum, md5sum, fipscheck, fipshmac, sha1hmac, sha224hmac, sha256hmac, sha384hmac, sha512hmac, sm3hmac.

-h,  --hash HASH

Use given HASH algorithm from the supported list of: sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sm3, sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384, sha3-512.

-S --self-sum

Print checksum of this binary and exit

-L --self-sum-lib

Print checksum of the libkcapi library and exit

-c --check FILE

Verify hash sums from file

-T --target FILE

Override filenames found in hash sums file; use with -c

-u --unkeyed

Force unkeyed hash

-t --truncate N

Use hash truncated to N bits

-q --status

Suppress verification output


Suppress only success messages

-k --key-file FILE

Use HMAC key from given file

-K --key KEY

Use KEY as the HMAC key


Create a BSD-style checksum


Check directory for fipshmac; otherwise ignored

-b,  -P

Compatibility hmaccalc options; ignored


NUL line termination

-h, --help

Display the help text.


Display the version number of the kcapi-hasher application.

See Also

kcapi-dgst(1) kcapi-enc(1) kcapi-rng(1)

Referenced By

kcapi-dgst(1), kcapi-enc(1), kcapi-rng(1).
