k2htouch - Man Page
Utility Tool for K2HASH
k2htouch [ -h ]
- k2htouch
k2htouch is a tool for create/add/modify/delete-ing key and value in K2HASH file. This tool is used from k2hedit script for editing by vi editor.
- -h
display help
specify k2hash file path
- create
the command for creating new k2hash file
- createmini
the command for creating new k2hash file(mini size)
- set [ KEY ] [ VALUE ]
the command for setting(adding) key and value into k2hash file
- get [ KEY ]
the command for getting a value by the key from k2hash file
- delete [ KEY ]
the command for deleting the key from k2hash file
- addsubkey [ KEY ] [ SUBKEY ] [ VALUE ]
the command for adding subkey and value into key
- getsubkey [ KEY ]
the command for getting subkeys
- push [ queprefix ] [ value ] (-lifo or -fifo)
the command for push the que
- pop [ QUEPREFIX ]
the command for pop the que
- clear [ QUEPREFIX ]
the command for clear the que
- kpush [ queprefix ] [ value ] (-lifo or -fifo)
the command for push the keyed que
- kpop [ QUEPREFIX ]
the command for pop the keyed que
- kclear [ QUEPREFIX ]
the command for clear the keyed que
- list
the command for listing all key and value from k2hash file
- info
the command for print status of k2hashfile
- dtor [on -conf dtorconffile | off]
the command for setting k2htpdtor(transaction plugin)
K2HDBGMODE environment sets debugging message level as same as -g option. The value is set as SILENT, ERR, WAN or INFO. When k2hlinetool catches SIGUSR1 signal, the debugging message level is bumpup. The level is changed as order by SILENT, ERR, WAN, INFO, SILENT...
K2HDBGFILE environment sets the file which is debugging message, this is as same as -glog option.
See Also
k2hash(1), k2hlinetool(1), k2hreplace(1), k2hcompress(1), k2hedit(1)
Please report owner and committers.
k2hash has been written by Tetsuya Mochizuki <temochiz@yahoo-corp.jp>.
Referenced By
k2hash(1), k2hbench(1), k2hcompress(1), k2hedit(1), k2himport(1), k2hlinetool(1), k2hreplace(1).