k2hlinetool - Man Page
Interactive Command Line Tool for K2HASH
k2hlinetool [Options] [ -f filename | -t filename | -m | -h ]
k2hlinetool is interactive tool, this can test almost of K2HASH library interface. Then you can create/modify/load transaction(archive) the k2hash file by this tool. k2hlinetool has CUI interface, and command history, etc. You can see usage this tool by typing "-h".
- -h
display help
- -f [K2HASH FILE]
specify permanent k2hash file
- -t [K2HASH FILE]
specify temporary k2hash file
- -m
k2hash data on only memory
- -mask [BIT COUNT]
specify bit mask count for k2hash data
- -cmask [BIT COUNT]
specify collision bit mask count for k2hash data
- -elementcnt [ELEMENT COUNT]
specify element count for each k2hash table
- -pagesize [BYTE]
specify pagesize for each k2hash internal data
specify extension library for hash function
- -fullmap
map all of k2hash file on memory when k2hash file specified
- -ro
work with read only mode when permanent k2hash file
- -init
initialize k2hash permanent file
- -lap
print lap time after finishing command
- -his [COUNT]
set history count of command
- -libversion
display k2hash library version
- -g [ERR | WAN | INFO]
set debugging level, k2hlinetool displays debugging message for itself
- -glog [FILE PATH]
set output file for debugging message(default stderr)
- -capi
use C API to k2hash library, this option is testing for library
- -run [FILE PATH]
run command(history) file at starting
K2HDBGMODE environment sets debugging message level as same as -g option. The value is set as SILENT, ERR, WAN or INFO. When k2hlinetool catches SIGUSR1 signal, the debugging message level is bumpup. The level is changed as order by SILENT, ERR, WAN, INFO, SILENT...
K2HDBGFILE environment sets the file which is debugging message, this is as same as -glog option.
See Also
k2hash(1), k2hreplace(1), k2hcompress(1), k2htouch(1), k2hedit(1)
Please report owner and committers.
k2hash has been written by Takeshi Nakatani <nakatani@yahoo-corp.jp>.
Referenced By
k2hash(1), k2hbench(1), k2hcompress(1), k2hedit(1), k2himport(1), k2hreplace(1), k2htouch(1).