json-to-dhall - Man Page

manual page for json-to-dhall 1.7.12


json-to-dhall [type | [SCHEMA] [--records-strict | --records-loose]


[--no-keyval-arrays] [--no-keyval-maps]

[--unions-first | --unions-none | --unions-strict] [--omissible-lists] [--file FILE] [--output FILE] [--ascii] [--plain] | (-V|--version)]

Convert a JSON expression to a Dhall expression, given the expected Dhall type

Available options


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Dhall type (schema). You can omit the schema to let the executable infer the schema from the JSON value.


Fail if any JSON fields are missing from the expected Dhall type


Tolerate JSON fields not present within the expected Dhall type


Disable conversion of key-value arrays to records


Disable conversion of homogeneous map objects to association lists


The first value with the matching type (successfully parsed all the way down the tree) is accepted, even if not the only possible match. (DEFAULT)


Unions not allowed


Error if more than one union values match the type (and parse successfully)


Tolerate missing list values, they are assumed empty

--file FILE

Read JSON from a file instead of standard input

--output FILE

Write Dhall expression to a file instead of standard output


Format code using only ASCII syntax


Disable syntax highlighting


Display version

Available commands


Output the inferred Dhall type from a JSON value


July 2024 json-to-dhall 1.7.12