jose-jwk-pub - Man Page
Cleans private keys from a JWK
jose jwk pub -i JWK [-o JWK]
The jose jwk pub command removes all private key material from one or more JWK(Set) inputs. The output will contain only public key material.
If the JWK contains the "key_ops" property, it will be automatically adjusted to include only operations relevant to public keys.
- -i JSON, --input=JSON : Parse JWK(Set) from JSON
- -i FILE, --input=FILE : Read JWK(Set) from FILE
- -i -, --input=- : Read JWK(Set) from standard input
- -o FILE, --output=FILE : Write JWK(Set) to FILE
- -o -, --output=- : Write JWK(Set) to standard input
- -s, --set : Always output a JWKSet
Clean private key material from a JWK:
$ jose jwk gen -i '{"alg":"ES256"}' -o prv.jwk $ cat prv.jwk {"alg":"ES256","crv":"P-256","key_ops":["sign","verify"],"kty":"EC", ...} $ jose jwk pub -i prv.jwk -o pub.jwk $ cat pub.jwk {"alg":"ES256","crv":"P-256","key_ops":["verify"],"kty":"EC", ...}
Nathaniel McCallum <>
See Also
jose-alg(1), jose-jwe-enc(1), jose-jwk-exc(1), jose-jwk-gen(1), jose-jwk-thp(1), jose-jwk-use(1), jose-jws-ver(1)
Referenced By
jose(1), jose-jwk-exc(1), jose-jwk-gen(1).