ipa-hcc - Man Page

Register or update IPA domain information in Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console


ipa-hcc [Options...] register TOKEN
ipa-hcc [Options...] update
ipa-hcc [Options...] status


Register or update IPA domain information in Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console5


register - Register a domain with Hybrid Cloud Console

This command registers a domain. The TOKEN is provided by HCC.

update - Update domain information in Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console

This command updates domain information.

status - Check status

This command prints status information.


-v, ā€‰--verbose

Enable verbose logging (use -vv for extra verbose logging)

Exit Status

The exit status is 0 on success, nonzero on error.

0 Success

2 IPA is not configured

3 Global setting 'hccDomainId' is missing

4 HTTP request error

5 Unable to connect to local IPA server

See Also

ipa-server-install(1) ipa-client-install(1)


Nar 7 2022 IPA Manual Pages