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img_cat - Man Page

Output contents of an image file.


img_cat [-i imgtype] [-b dev_sector_size] [-s start_sector] [-e stop_sector] [-vV] image [images]


img_cat outputs the contents of an image file.  Image files that are not raw will have embedded data and metadata.  img_cat will output only the data.  This allows you to convert  an embedded format to raw or to calculate the MD5 hash of the data by piping the output to the appropriate tool.


-i imgtype

Identify the type of image file, such as raw or aff. Use '-i list' to list the supported types. If not given, autodetection methods are used.

-b dev_sector_size

The size, in bytes, of the underlying device sectors.  If not given, the value in the image format is used (if it exists) or 512-bytes is assumed.

-s start_sector

The sector number to start at.

-e stop_sector

The sector number to stop at.


Verbose output of debugging statements to stderr


Display version

image [images]

The disk or partition image to read, whose format is given with '-i'. Multiple image file names can be given if the image is split into multiple segments. If only one image file is given, and its name is the first in a sequence (e.g., as indicated by ending in '.001'), subsequent image segments will be included automatically.


Brian Carrier <carrier at sleuthkit dot org>

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