hadolint - Man Page

manual page for Haskell Dockerfile Linter 2.12.0

Examples (TL;DR)


hadolint [-v|--version] [-c|--config FILENAME] [DOCKERFILE...]


hadolint - Dockerfile Linter written in Haskell

[--file-path-in-report FILEPATHINREPORT] [--no-fail] [--no-color] [-V|--verbose] [-f|--format ARG] [--error RULECODE] [--warning RULECODE] [--info RULECODE] [--style RULECODE] [--ignore RULECODE] [--trusted-registry REGISTRY (e.g. docker.io)] [--require-label LABELSCHEMA (e.g. maintainer:text)] [--strict-labels] [--disable-ignore-pragma] [-t|--failure-threshold THRESHOLD]

Lint Dockerfile for errors and best practices

Available options


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-c,--config FILENAME

Path to the configuration file

--file-path-in-report FILEPATHINREPORT

The file path referenced in the generated report. This only applies for the 'checkstyle' format and is useful when running Hadolint with Docker to set the correct file path.


Don't exit with a failure status code when any rule is violated


Don't colorize output


Enables verbose logging of hadolint's output to stderr

-f,--format ARG

The output format for the results [tty | json | checkstyle | codeclimate | gitlab_codeclimate | gnu | codacy | sonarqube | sarif] (default: tty)

--error RULECODE

Make the rule `RULECODE` have the level `error`

--warning RULECODE

Make the rule `RULECODE` have the level `warning`


Make the rule `RULECODE` have the level `info`

--style RULECODE

Make the rule `RULECODE` have the level `style`

--ignore RULECODE

A rule to ignore. If present, the ignore list in the config file is ignored

--trusted-registry REGISTRY (e.g. docker.io)

A docker registry to allow to appear in FROM instructions

--require-label LABELSCHEMA (e.g. maintainer:text)

The option --require-label=label:format makes Hadolint check that the label `label` conforms to format requirement `format`


Do not permit labels other than specified in `label-schema`


Disable inline ignore pragmas `# hadolint ignore=DLxxxx`

-t,--failure-threshold THRESHOLD

Exit with failure code only when rules with a severity equal to or above THRESHOLD are violated. Accepted values: [error | warning | info | style | ignore | none] (default: info)


July 2024 Haskell Dockerfile Linter 2.12.0