gtk4-rendernode-tool - Man Page

GskRenderNode Utility


gtk4-rendernode-tool <COMMAND> [OPTIONS...] <FILE>

gtk4-rendernode-tool benchmark [OPTIONS...] <FILE>
gtk4-rendernode-tool compare [OPTIONS...] <FILE1> <FILE2>
gtk4-rendernode-tool extract [OPTIONS...] <FILE>
gtk4-rendernode-tool info [OPTIONS...] <FILE>
gtk4-rendernode-tool render [OPTIONS...] <FILE> [<FILE>]
gtk4-rendernode-tool show [OPTIONS...] <FILE>


gtk4-rendernode-tool can perform various operations on serialized rendernodes.



The info command shows general information about the rendernode, such as the number of nodes, and the depth of the tree.


The show command displays the rendernode.


Removes window decorations. This is meant for rendering of exactly the rendernode without any titlebar.


The render command saves a rendering of the rendernode as a png, tiff or svg image or as pdf document. The name of the file to write can be specified as a second FILE argument.


Use the given renderer. Use --renderer=help to get a information about possible values for the RENDERER.


The benchmark command benchmarks rendering of a node with the existing renderers and prints the runtimes.


Add the given renderer. This argument can be passed multiple times to test multiple renderers. By default, all major GTK renderers are run.


Number of times to render the node on each renderer. By default, this is 3 times. Keep in mind that the first run is often used to populate caches and might be significantly slower.


Do not attempt to download the result. This may cause the measurement to not include the execution of the commands on the GPU. It can be useful to use this flag to test command submission performance.


The compare command compares the rendering of a node with a reference image, or the renderings of two nodes, or two images. If any differences are found, the exit code is 1. If the images are identical, it is 0.


Use the given renderer.


Save the differences as a png image in FILE.


Don't write results to stdout.


The extract command saves all the data urls found in a node file to a given directory. The file names for the extracted files are derived from the mimetype of the url.


Save extracted files in DIRECTORY (defaults to the current directory).


GTK commands