grpc_cli-tobinary - Man Page
grpc_cli tobinary – convert text message to binary
grpc_cli tobinary protofiles type [message] [OPTION]...
- protofiles
Comma separated list of proto files
- type
Protocol buffer type name
- --proto_path
The search paths of proto files (: separated)
- --infile
Input filename (defaults to stdin)
- --outfile
Output filename (defaults to stdout)
See Also
grpc_cli(1), grpc_cli-ls(1), grpc_cli-call(1), grpc_cli-type(1), grpc_cli-parse(1), grpc_cli-totext(1), grpc_cli-tojson(1), grpc_cli-help(1)
Referenced By
grpc_cli(1), grpc_cli-call(1), grpc_cli-help(1), grpc_cli-ls(1), grpc_cli-parse(1), grpc_cli-tojson(1), grpc_cli-type(1).
May 2021