grimpicker - Man Page

a simple color picker for wlroots


grimpicker [Options]


-p,  --print

Print to stdout

-d,  --draw

Draw a colored block

-e,  --escape

Print shell escape sequences

-c,  --copy

Copy to clipboard

-n,  --notify

Send a notification

-h,  --help

Show help message and quit

-v,  --version

Show version number and quit


grimpicker is a color picker that uses slurp and grim. These programs rely on zwlr_layer_shell_v1 and wlr-screencopy-unstable-v1 (maybe be replaced with ext-image-capture-source-v1 and ext-image-copy-capture-v1 in the future) wayland protocols (implemented in wlroots-based compositors, e.g. sway).

It has several output options, they can be combined.

--copy needs wl-clipboard to be installed.

--draw and --escape need a terminal with truecolor support (e.g. foot).

--notify needs libnotify to be installed and a notification daemon (e.g. mako or fnott) to be running.

--print and --draw are selected by default if no arguments are provided.


An example usage pattern is to add this binding to your sway config:

  # Super+Print: color picker
  bindsym --to-code $mod+Print exec grimpicker --notify

See Also

slurp(1), grim(1), grimshot(1)

