grid-ca-package - Man Page
Prepare a CA certificate, configuration, and policy for distribution
The grid-ca-sign utility creates a tarball containing an RPM spec file and the files needed to use a CA with grid tools.
By default, the grid-ca-sign utility displays a list of installed grid CA and prompts for which CA to package. It then creates a tarball containing the CA certificate, signing policy, CA configuration files, and an spec script to generate a binary RPM package containing the CA. If the CA hash is known prior to running grid-ca-sign, it may provided as an argument to the -ca parameter to avoid prompting.
The grid-ca-sign utility writes the package tarballs to the current working directory.
The full set of command-line options to grid-ca-sign follows:
- -help, -h, -usage
Display the command-line options to grid-ca-sign and exit.
- -version, -versions
Display the version number of the grid-ca-sign command. The second form includes more details.
- -ca CA
Use the CA whose name matches the hash string CA. When invoked with this option, grid-ca-sign runs non-interactively.
- -r
Create a binary RPM package for the CA. This option currently only works on RPM-based distributions.
- -d
Create a binary Debian package for the CA. This option currently only works on Debian-based distributions.
Package a Simple CA with hash 0146c503.
% grid-ca-sign -ca 0146c503
Creating RPM source tarball... done globus_simple_ca_0146c503.tar.gz
The following environment variables affect the execution of grid-ca-sign:
Non-standard installation path of the Grid Community Toolkit.
See Also
grid-cert-request(1), grid-ca-sign(1), grid-default-ca(1), grid-ca-create(1)
Copyright © 1999-2014 University of Chicago
Referenced By
grid-ca-create(1), grid-ca-sign(1).