grid-ca-create - Man Page
Create a CA to sign certificates for use on a grid
grid-ca-create [ -h | -help | -usage | -version | -versions ] [ -openssl-help]
grid-ca-create [ Options ] [ OPENSSL-OPTIONS ]
The grid-ca-create program creates a self-signed CA certificate and related files needed to use the CA with other Globus tools. The grid-ca-create program prompts for information to use to generate the CA certificate, but the prompts may be avoided by using the command line options.
By default, the grid-ca-create program creates the self-signed CA certificate, installs it on the current machine in its trusted certificate directory, and creates a source tarball which can be used to generate an RPM package for the CA. If the RPM package is installed on a machine, users on that machine can create certificate requests for user, host, or service identity certificates to be signed by the CA certificate generated by running grid-ca-create.
If run as a privileged user, the grid-ca-create program creates the CA certificate and support files in the CA certificate and signing policy are installed in the /etc/grid-security directory. Otherwise, the files are
The full set of command-line options to grid-ca-create follows. In addition to these, unknown options will be passed to the openssl command when creating the self-signed certificate.
- -help, -h, -usage
Display the command-line options to grid-ca-create and exit.
- -version, -versions
Display the version number of the grid-ca-create command. The second form includes more details.
- -force
Overwrite existing CA in the destination directory if one exists.
- -bits BITS
Create a CA certificate with a BITS long RSA key [4096]
- -noint
Run in non-interactive mode. This will choose defaults for parameters or those specified on the command line without prompting. This option also implies -force.
Create the CA in DIRECTORY. The DIRECTORY must not exist prior to running grid-ca-create.
- -subject SUBJECT
Use SUBJECT as the subject name of the self-signed CA to create. If this is not specified on the command-line, grid-ca-create will default to using the subject name cn=Globus Simple CA, ou=$HOSTNAME, ou=GlobusTest, o=Grid.
- -email ADDRESS
Use ADDRESS as the email address of the CA. The default instructions generated by grid-ca-create tell users to mail the certificate request to this address. If this is not specified on the command-line, grid-ca-create will default to $LOGNAME@$HOSTNAME.
- -days DAYS
Set the default lifetime of the self-signed CA certificate to DAYS. If not set, the grid-ca-create program will default to 1825 days (5 years).
- -pass PASSWORD
Use the string PASSWORD to protect the CA’s private key. This is useful for automating Simple CA, but may make it easier to compromise the CA if someone obtains a shell on the machine storing the CA’s private key.
- -nobuild
Disable building a source tarball for distributing the CA’s public information to other machines. The source tarball can be created later by using the grid-ca-package command.
Create a simple CA in $HOME/SimpleCA:
% grid-ca-create -noint -dir $HOME/SimpleCA
C e r t i f i c a t e A u t h o r i t y S e t u p
This script will setup a Certificate Authority for signing Globus users certificates. It will also generate a simple CA package that can be distributed to the users of the CA.
The CA information about the certificates it distributes will be kept in:
The unique subject name for this CA is:
cn=Globus Simple CA,, ou=GlobusTest, o=Grid
Insufficient permissions to install CA into the trusted certifiicate directory (tried ${sysconfdir}/grid-security/certificates and ${datadir}/certificates) Creating RPM source tarball... done globus_simple_ca_0146c503.tar.gz
The following environment variables affect the execution of grid-ca-create:
Non-standard installation path of the Grid Community Toolkit.
See Also
grid-cert-request(1), grid-ca-sign(1), grid-default-ca(1), grid-ca-package(1)
Copyright © 1999-2014 University of Chicago
Referenced By
grid-ca-package(1), grid-ca-sign(1).