grafana-server - Man Page

back-end server for the Grafana metrics dashboard and graph editor


grafana-server is the back-end server for the Grafana metrics dashboard and graph editor. The grafana-server program should not normally be run from the command line, except when testing or for development purposes. Rather it should be managed by systemd. After installing Grafana, the systemd service should be enabled and started as follows:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable grafana-server.service
systemctl start grafana-server.service


The grafana-server configuration is specified in /etc/grafana/grafana.ini and is well documented with comments. The command-line options listed below override options of the same (or similar) name in the configuration file.

-config string

path to config file

-homepath string

path to grafana install/home path, defaults to working directory

-packaging string

describes the way Grafana was installed (default "unknown")

-pidfile string

path to pid file


Turn on pprof profiling

-profile-addr string

Define custom address for profiling (default "localhost")

-profile-port uint

Define custom port for profiling (default 6060)


Turn on tracing

-tracing-file string

Define tracing output file (default "trace.out")


prints current version and exits


prints current version, all dependencies and exits

See Also

The full documentation for Grafana is available on-line at

Referenced By

PCPCompat(1), pmDiscoverSetup(3).

September 2022 Version 9.0.9