gradient_unwarp - Man Page
manual page for 1.2.1
usage: gradient_unwarp infile outfile manufacturer -g <coefficient file> [optional arguments]
positional arguments
- infile
The input warped file (nifti or mgh)
- outfile
The output unwarped file (extension should be .nii/.nii.gz/.mgh/.mgz)
- {siemens,ge}
vendor (either "ge" or "siemens" for now)
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --version, -v
show program's version number and exit
- -g GRADFILE, --gradfile GRADFILE
The .grad coefficient file
- -c COEFFILE, --coeffile COEFFILE
The .coef coefficient file
- -w, --warp
warp a volume (as opposed to unwarping)
- -n, --nojacobian
Do not perform Jacobian intensity correction
- --fovmin FOVMIN
the minimum extent of harmonics evaluation grid in meters
- --fovmax FOVMAX
the maximum extent of harmonics evaluation grid in meters
- --numpoints NUMPOINTS
number of grid points in each direction
- --interp_order ORDER
the order of interpolation(1..4) where 1 is linear - default
January 2023 1.2.1