gps - Man Page
Overview of gpsd clients and helpers
cgps [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gegps [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gps2udp [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpscsv [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpsmon [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpspipe [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpsplot [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpsprof [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpsrinex [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpssubframe [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpxlogger [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
lcdgps [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
ubxtool [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
xgps [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
xgpsspeed [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
zerk [Options] [server[:port[:device]]]
gpscat [Options] file-or-serial-port
gpsctl [Options]
gpsdctl action device
gpsdecode [Options]
gpsfake [Options]
gpsinit [Options]
ntpshmmon [Options]
ppscheck [Options] device
gpsd is a daemon for managing GPS receivers, GNSS receivers, AIS receivers, and more. Over time it has agglomerated a number of diverse clients that communicate with gpsd for various tasks.
Each of the gpsd clients connects to a gpsd daemon to use the data in various ways. See the sections Arguments and Options for more information on the clients.
- cgps
curses terminal client for gpsd
- gegps
Google Earth client for gpsd
- gps
Overview of gpsd clients and helpers
- gpscsv
dump the JSON output from gpsd as CSV
- gpsdecode
decode GPS, RTCM or AIS streams into a readable format
- gpsmon
real-time GPS packet monitor and control utility
- gpspipe
tool to connect to gpsd and retrieve sentences
- gpsplot
tool to dynamically dump plot data from gpsd
- gpsprof
profile a GPS and gpsd, plotting latency information
- gpsrinex
Read data from gpsd convert to RINEX3 and save to a file.
- gpssubframe
tool to dump subframe sentences from gpsd
- gpxlogger
Tool to connect to gpsd and generate a GPX file
- lcdgps
LCD client for gpsd
- xgps
X client for gpsd
- xgpsspeed
X speedometer for gpsd
The gpsd helpers can be used for administration of gpsd systems.
- gps2udp
feed the take from gpsd to one or more aggregation sites
- gpscat
dump the output from a GPS
- gpsctl
control the modes of a GNSS receiver
- gpsdctl
tool for sending commands to gpsd over its control socket
- gpsdebuginfo
Generate a gpsd debug dump of your host.
- gpsfake
test harness for gpsd, simulating a GNSS receiver
- gpsinit
initialize CAN kernel modules for GPSD
- ntploggps
log gpsd data
- ntpshmmon
capture samples from gpsd or other ntpd refclock sources
Programmers can find additional information on the gpsd here:
- gpsd_json
gpsd request/response protocol
- libgps
C service library for communicating with the GPS daemon
- libgpsmm
C++ and QT class wrappers for the GPS daemon
- libQgpsmm
C++ and QT class wrappers for the GPS daemon
The gpsd clients share a few common options:
- -?, -h, --help
Print a summary of options and then exit.
- -V, --version
Print the package version and exit.
By default, clients collect data from the local gpsd daemon running on localhost, using the default GPSD port 2947. The optional argument to any client may override this behavior:
- server
The optional host name, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address of the gpsd daemon to connect to. If the server specification contains square brackets, the part inside them is taken as an IPv6 address and port/device suffixes are only parsed after the trailing bracket. The default is localhost.
- port
The optional TCP port of the daemon to connect to. The default is 2947.
- device
The optional device name to be watched.
Some possible cases look like this:
Connect to the default port 2497 on, trying both IPv4 and IPv6.
Look at port 2317 on, trying both IPv4 and IPv6.
- localhost::/dev/ttyS1
Look at the default port, 2947, of localhost, trying both IPv4 and IPv6 and watching output from serial device 1.
Look at port 2317 at the specified IPv4 address, collecting data from attached serial device 3.
- [FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:2317:/dev/ttyS5
Look at port 2317 at the specified IPv6 address, collecting data from attached serial device 5.
Most of the gpsd clients check for the environment variables GPSD_UNITS, LC_MEASUREMENT, and LANG. Maybe more.
GPSD_UNITS is checked if no unit system is specified on the command line. It may be set to 'i'. 'imperial', 'm', 'metric', or 'n', 'nautical'.
LC_MEASUREMENT and then LANG are checked if no unit system has been specified on the command line, or in GPSD_UNITS. If the value is 'C', 'POSIX', or begins with 'en_US' the unit system is set to imperial. The default if no system has been selected is metric.
Return Values
The gpsd clients return simple success or failure codes:
- 0
on success.
- 1
on failure
See Also
gegps(1), gpsctl(1), gpsdebuginfo(1), gpsprof*(1), gpsfake(1), gpscat(1), gpspipe(1), gpsmon(1), xgps*(1). xgpsspeed(1)
Project web site:
This file is Copyright 2013 by the GPSD project
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause
Referenced By
cgps(1), gegps(1), gps2udp(1), gpscat(1), gpscsv(1), gpsctl(1), gpsd(8), gpsdctl(8), gpsdebuginfo(1), gpsdecode(1), gpsfake(1), gpsinit(8), gpsmon(1), gpspipe(1), gpsplot(1), gpsprof(1), gpsrinex(1), gpssnmp(1), gpssubframe(1), gpxlogger(1), lcdgps(1), libgps(3), libgpsmm(3), ntpshmmon(1), ubxtool(1), xgps(1), xgpsspeed(1), zerk(1).