gpgv-sq - Man Page

gpgv-sq — Verify OpenPGP signatures like gpgv


gpgv-sq [-v|--verbose] [-q|--quiet] [--keyring] [-o|--output] [--ignore-time-conflict] [--status-fd] [--weak-digest] [-h|--help] [-V|--version] [SIG-FILE] [DATA-FILE]


This is a re-implementation and drop-in replacement of gpgv using the Sequoia OpenPGP implementation.

gpgv-sq is feature-complete. Please report any problems you encounter when replacing gpgv with gpgv-sq.


-v,  --verbose


-q,  --quiet

be somewhat more quiet


take the keys from the keyring FILE

-o,  --output=FILE

write output to FILE


make timestamp conflicts only a warning


write status info to this FD


reject signatures made with ALGO

-h,  --help

Print help (see a summary with '-h')

-V,  --version

Print version


Signatures or inline-signed message to verify.  If not given, or `-` is given, the signature or inline-signed message is read from stdin.


If SIG-FILE is a detached signature, DATA-FILE is the data the signature is supposed to protect.  If given multiple times, the signature is assumed cover the concatenation of all files.



If set, must contain an absolute path to a directory containing the GnuPG state, i.e. the configuration files, the cert rings, the secret keys, and the trust database.  Can be overridden using the the option `--gnupghome`.  If unset, and the option `--gnupghome` is not given, defaults to `$HOME/.gnupg`.  In the Files section below, `$GNUPGHOME` is the location of the GnuPG state directory, independently on how it is set (i.e. unset, set via `--gnupghome`, or set via `$GNUPGHOME).


If set, must contain an absolute path to a configuration file that changes which cryptographic algorithms are acceptable.  By default, /etc/crypto-policies/back-ends/sequoia.config is read, which on Fedora contains a reasonable policy set by the distribution.  See for a description of the file format.



The default set of trusted certificates.


Legacy default set of trusted certificates.  This file is read if `trustedkeys.kbx` does not exist.


Default cryptographic policy.  On Fedora, this contains a reasonable policy set by the distribution.  Can be overridden using the SEQUOIA_POLICY_CONFIG environment variable.  See for a description of the file format.




gpgv-sq 0.11.2