gpgparticipants-prefill - Man Page
insert checksum-digits in a gpgparticicpants' form
gpgparticipants-prefill [Options] EMPTYLIST FILLEDLIST
gpgparticipants-prefill takes a file produced by gpgparticipants (EMPTYLIST) and tries to fill in some digits into the SHA256 field such that the resulting list actually has a SHA256 checksum that starts with those digits. In other words, it tries to produce a file that hashes to a checksum that is partially written down in the file. Whenever a match is found, a file with the digits filled in is written to FILLEDLIST.DIGITS.
- -h, ā--help
Print the usage text.
- --fastforward
If a match is found of some length, immediately jump to the next length.
- --min-length NUM
Start search with given length.
- --max-length NUM
Stop search after the given length.
- --prefix PREFIX
Only consider hex strings starting with PREFIX.
See Also
This manual page was written by Stefan Huber <>.