gpg-sq - Man Page

OpenPGP encryption and signing tool like gpg


gpg-sq [-s|--sign] [--clear-sign] [-b|--detach-sign] [-e|--encrypt] [-c|--symmetric] [-d|--decrypt] [--verify] [-k|--list-keys] [--list-signatures] [--check-signatures] [--fingerprint] [-K|--list-secret-keys] [--generate-key] [--quick-generate-key] [--quick-add-uid] [--quick-revoke-uid] [--quick-set-expire] [--full-generate-key] [--generate-revocation] [--delete-keys] [--delete-secret-keys] [--quick-sign-key] [--quick-lsign-key] [--quick-revoke-sig] [--sign-key] [--lsign-key] [--edit-key] [--change-passphrase] [--export] [--send-keys] [--receive-keys] [--search-keys] [--refresh-keys] [--import] [--update-trustdb] [--print-md] [--server] [--tofu-policy] [--x-sequoia-parcimonie] [-v|--verbose] [-q|--quiet] [--options] [--log-file] [--default-key] [--encrypt-to] [--group] [--openpgp] [-n|--dry-run] [-i|--interactive] [-a|--armor] [-o|--output] [--textmode] [-z ] [--auto-key-locate] [--auto-key-import] [--include-key-block] [--disable-dirmngr] [-r|--recipient] [-u|--local-user] [--x-sequoia-autostart-parcimonie] [-h|--help] [-V|--version] [ARGS]


This is a re-implementation and drop-in replacement of gpg using the Sequoia OpenPGP implementation.

gpg-sq is not feature-complete. It currently implements a commonly used subset of the signature creation and verification commands, the encryption and decryption commands, the key listing commands, and some miscellaneous commands.

Support for trust models is limited. Currently, the Web-of-Trust ("pgp") and always trust ("always") are implemented.


-s,  --sign

make a signature


make a clear text signature

-b,  --detach-sign

make a detached signature

-e,  --encrypt

encrypt data

-c,  --symmetric

encryption only with symmetric cipher

-d,  --decrypt

decrypt data (default)


verify a signature

-k,  --list-keys

list keys


list keys and signatures


list and check key signatures


list keys and fingerprints

-K,  --list-secret-keys

list secret keys


generate a new key pair


quickly generate a new key pair


quickly add a new user-id


quickly revoke a user-id


quickly set a new expiration date


full featured key pair generation


generate a revocation certificate


remove keys from the public keyring


remove keys from the secret keyring


quickly sign a key


quickly sign a key locally


quickly revoke a key signature


sign a key


sign a key locally


sign or edit a key


change a passphrase


export keys


export keys to a keyserver


import keys from a keyserver


search for keys on a keyserver


update all keys from a keyserver


import/merge keys


update the trust database


print message digests


run in server mode


set the TOFU policy for a key


continuously update certificates

-v,  --verbose


-q,  --quiet

be somewhat more quiet


read options from FILE


write server mode logs to FILE


use NAME as default secret key


encrypt to user ID NAME as well


set up email aliases


use strict OpenPGP behavior

-n,  --dry-run

do not make any changes

-i,  --interactive

prompt before overwriting

-a,  --armor

create ascii armored output

-o,  --output=FILE

write output to FILE


use canonical text mode


set compress level to N (0 disables)


use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address


import missing key from a signature


include the public key in signatures


disable all access to the dirmngr

-r,  --recipient=USER-ID

encrypt for USER-ID

-u,  --local-user=USER-ID

use USER-ID to sign or decrypt


automatically start daemon to update certs

-h,  --help

Print help (see a summary with '-h')

-V,  --version

Print version


Additional arguments.  The semantics of the additional arguments, and if there are any, and how many, is dependent on the selected command.



If set, must contain an absolute path to a directory containing the GnuPG state, i.e. the configuration files, the cert rings, the secret keys, and the trust database.  Can be overridden using the the option `--gnupghome`.  If unset, and the option `--gnupghome` is not given, defaults to `$HOME/.gnupg`.  In the Files section below, `$GNUPGHOME` is the location of the GnuPG state directory, independently on how it is set (i.e. unset, set via `--gnupghome`, or set via `$GNUPGHOME).


If set, must contain an absolute path to a configuration file that changes which cryptographic algorithms are acceptable.  By default, /etc/crypto-policies/back-ends/sequoia.config is read, which on Fedora contains a reasonable policy set by the distribution.  See for a description of the file format.



GnuPG's main configuration file.


GnuPG's network configuration file.  gpg-sq reads this and honors a subset of the options given.


Default certificate store on POSIX systems if the default `GNUPGHOME` is used.  This location is read and written to.

$HOME/Library/Application Support/pgp.cert.d

Default certificate store on macOS if the default `GNUPGHOME` is used. This location is read and written to.


Default certificate store on Windows if the default `GNUPGHOME` is used. This location is read and written to.


Certificate store if a non-default `GNUPGHOME` is used.  This location is read and written to.


GnuPG's default certificate store.  This file is read and monitored for changes, but never changed.


GnuPG's legacy certificate store.  This file is read and monitored for changes, but never changed.


GnuPG 2.4.x's certificate store.  This file is read and monitored for changes, but never changed.


GnuPG's legacy secret key store.  gpg-sq does not use this file, except for doing a migration from pre-2.1 state directories.


Indicates that the state directory has been migrated from a pre-2.1 release.


GnuPG's trust database.  This file is read and monitored for changes, but never modified.


Default cryptographic policy.  On Fedora, this contains a reasonable policy set by the distribution.  Can be overridden using the SEQUOIA_POLICY_CONFIG environment variable.  See for a description of the file format.




gpg-sq 0.11.2