gpg-key2ps - Man Page

generates a PS file from a GnuPG keyring


gpg-key2ps [-r revoked-style] [-p papersize] [-1] [-s] keyid-or-name [ ... ]


gpg-key2ps generates a PostScript file with your OpenPGP key fingerprint (repeated as often as it fits) useful for keysigning parties. The only argument is the same as you would pass to GPG's list-keys command, either a key-id or a (partial) name. The PS data is written to stdout.


-p --paper-size paper-size

Select the output paper size. Default is to look into /etc/papersize or A4 if libpaper isn't installed.

-s --show-subkeys

Enable subkey information to be printed on the slips. Subkey information is normally not relevant to the key signing process.

-r --revoked-style revoked-style

Select how to mark revoked UIDs and subkeys. Five styles are available:
hide don't show at all (default),
show show normally,
grey display in 50% grey,
note add "[revoked]", and
strike strike through.


Print only one column of paper slips instead of the default two. Useful for keys with long UIDs that otherwise won't fit.


Keyids to print. Multiple can be separated by spaces.

-h --help

Print usage and exit.

-v --version

Print version and exit.



The default home directory.


The gpg binary.  Default: "gpg".


The default working directory for gpg.  Default: $HOME/.gnupg.

See Also


GNU Privacy Guard.


Like gpg-key2ps, but produces LaTeX output instead.

gpg-key2ps prints plain fingerprint slips. If you are looking for something more stylish, look at these latex templates for business cards that also include fingerprints.

Referenced By


2024-07-19 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation