git-repl - Man Page
git read-eval-print-loop
Examples (TL;DR)
- Start an interactive Git shell:
git repl
- Run a Git command while in the interactive Git shell:
git_subcommand command_arguments
- Run an external (non-Git) command while in the interactive Git shell:
!command command_arguments
- Exit the interactive Git shell (or press
<Ctrl d>
git-repl [command...]
Git read-eval-print-loop. Lets you run git commands without typing 'git'.
Commands can be prefixed with an exclamation mark (!) to be interpreted as a regular shell command.
Any arguments to git repl will be taken collectively as the first command to execute in the repl.
Type exit, quit, or q to end the repl session. Ctrl-D and Ctrl-C will also work.
Interpreted as git <command>.
Interpreted as <command> (not through git).
Equivalent of 'git ls-files'.
Ends the repl session.
$ git repl git version 2.34.1 git-extras version 7.3.0 Type 'ls' to ls files below current directory; '!command' to execute any command or just 'subcommand' to execute any git subcommand; 'quit', 'exit', 'q', ^D, or ^C to exit the git repl. git (master)> ls-files Makefile bin/git-changelog bin/git-count bin/git-delete-branch bin/git-delete-tag bin/git-ignore bin/git-release git (master)> !echo Straight from the shell! Straight from the shell! git (master)> quit
Written by Tj Holowaychuk <>. Updated by Wyatt S Carpenter to add display of the previous command's exit status, 'q', and the ability to pass in the initial command as arguments.